We had a great time playing at the Lake Placid Bluegrass jam! Check out the write up here:
http://www.gratefulweb.com/articles/lake-placid-bluegrass-jam-2014-review Twisted Pine was lucky enough to have the opportunity to open for a legend of bluegrass music twice last week. Peter Rowan, an original Bluegrass Boy as well as a prolific song writer, asked us to join him on a couple songs when we played with him at The Pressroom and The Davis Square Theater. This was a career highlight for everybody in the band and as we're starting to work with the record label Signature Sounds, we're very excited to see where we will be heading in the next few years.
I was pretty intimidated going into the FreshGrass Banjo Competition. I knew three out of the four other competitors as good friends and world class banjoists. I figured they were going to showcase all styles of modern and traditional banjo playing so I'd do the same. I've been working on a lot of Irish music recently as well as single string technique so I thought I'd throw that stuff in my arrangement. I prepared a fiddle tune by the name of The Temperance Reel with arranged solos, Irish ornaments, and melodic shapes that I've always heard but never took the time to workout. I spent about a week working on how to play that stuff and I really felt the focus of honing my inner sound push my playing to another level. Whats funny is that although my single string and ornaments got better, I got a little worse at Scruggs Style banjo playing. Funny isn't it? It's like life is a garden and your precious time is like your water. You only have so much water and where you put your water things grow. Where there is a lack of water, thing don't tend to grow. Focus is a two edged sword I suppose. Anyway, I also spent a few rehearsals with Kathleen Parks arranging her backup to Temperance Reel as well as my tune Logan's Farewell which is a staple in our band Cat And The Moon. We got her halftime fiddle chopping in the right place and tried not to over play the tunes the days before. We went in there, were first up, and gave it our best shot. I'm proud, honored, and deeply humbled to announce that I won the $1,000 cash first prize, a $1,000 recording session at Compass Records’ studio in Nashville, a spot onstage at FreshGrass 2015, and hand-crafted state-of-the-art banjo. Here is to perseverance and hard work. A gift that my father and mother showed me how to use. After weeks of preparation, Twisted Pine arrived at the gorgeous Mass Moca ready to compete for the FreshGrass Band Competition. We enjoyed a wonderful festival, had a few rehearsals and went onto the grounds ready for a stiff competition. We're incredibly happy to announce that we won the grand prize of $5,000 cash first prize, a $1,000 recording session at Compass Records’ studio in Nashville, and a spot onstage at FreshGrass 2015. This was a huge win and we're excited to see where it takes us. The victory coupled with our performance generated lots of buzz and even got us a few calls by some record labels. There is also talk of touring Scotland! I'll keep you guys updated as things unfold. How lucky I am to live a life filled with these incredible opportunities, musicians, and people. Thanks for all the love guys, here is to perseverance. Rick We're proud to announce that my bluegrass band Twisted Pine took home the gold medal at the prestigous Thomas Point Beach Band Competition! We we're so happy to play for such an awesome crowd! Great news #2: We made it into the final round of the FreshGrass band competition!!!!!!! We'll be competing September 21st in North Adams, MA at the FreshGrass Festival. I will also competing in the banjo competition and the competition is fierce. Come and cheer us on! Twisted Pine be playing throughout the festival at various Berklee showcases so keep your eyes peeled!! Keep in touch, Rick My bluegrass band Twisted Pine is proud to announce the first official release of our music! Download the driving bluegrass EP at www.twistedpine.bandcamp.com! Festival season has begun! We were invited by the Irish Cultural Center of New England to perform at the Boston Irish Music Festival where Kathleen Parks' biggest inspiration, Eileen Ivers, was playing the headlining slot. After some hardball negotiation we accepted and played the honorable 11am set. Also the illustrious and incandescent Sean Smith wrote an article about the festival and gave us the headlining photo. Read that here. Here are some photo highlights: (Photos by Sean Smith) After a short trip to California, we had to make another festival appearance but with a challenge. Charles and Kathleen were out of town! Boston, being the amazing musical city it is, gave us two very strong options for substitute players. Rob Flax and Adam Moore showed up prepared, we had one rehearsal and played on a huge festival stage that faithful afternoon. Here are some photos:
That's right ladies and gentlemen, dreams are becoming a reality as I step up my game to the festival world. Twisted Pine managed to pull some strings and got a slot at GreyFox Bluegrass Festival which is world renowned in the genre.
We'll be playing Friday morning at The Creekside Stage at around 10 am, see you guys there!! Rick |